Last month I finally setup my new dev-rig. Yes, I still prefer desktops for development (call me old school)! The configuration is as follows:
Sometime back I read an awesome story on how Microsoft turned it’s first OS licensing deal around and owned the PC market right under from IBM’s nose! It was a history of OS/2!
I just spent a few lazy minutes looking up what it takes to name assets (images) for appropriate scaling, and since I didn’t find the correct keyword to look it up in one go, writing this down to bookmark it for myself.
Previously I have blogged about how I converted my Raspberry Pi into a DLNA Media Server. When we moved to UK I brought along my media server and it was up in a jiffy. However, yesterday, when I sat down to build my long pending Windows 8 Media Client on my rebuilt Windows 8 VM, it simply wouldn’t show the MediaPi (name of my Media Server) when I selected ‘Computer’ in Windows Explorer.
Windows has had the ‘Snipping Tool’ for grabbing screens or portions of screens for a while now.
My Windows 8 Desktop seems to have trouble staying connected to my Wireless network. I haven’t gotten down to debugging exactly what causes it to go bonkers but a quick peek at the EventViewer shows this cascading failure of services that ultimately takes down the Wireless network service with it.
Hi Folks, I am back with some more information on my experience with my 5 days old RT.
If you just got your Surface RT recently (let's just say starting December 5, 2012...) and try to run windows update you might get an error with the cryptic code 8024004C. As of typing this, it's 'unreported' in Google or Bing. I got it and was initially worried but I looked at the list of updates and saw the Firmware update in the list of scheduled updates. I unchecked the Firmware update and kept the optional update of Microsoft Office unchecked, Re-Tried updating and the updates worked. I am assuming the Firmware update needs some of the other updates to be in place. The updates are still going on. Will update this post, when I am able to install the firmware update!
Okay folks, here we go, I've been meaning to blog about this for a while now, but right now when I have a ton of work to finish and it's 4:30am in the morning so I have decided it's the perfect time to blog about my experience with Windows 8 over the last 30 days. This is my non-techie, non-jargon-filled impression of the first 30 days.
Okay, so my last article was huge hit (by my standards). I was trying to setup Windows 8 Developer Preview on my Mac and thought of sharing the experience. Turns out lots of people were trying the same .
Microsoft launched the Windows 8 Developer Preview today at the Build conference. If you like living on the bleeding edge of technology and want to play around with the release, you need a computer to do a clean install of Windows 8 DP. Fortunately if you don’t have a spare computer to mess with, Virtualization solutions are there to the rescue.
Okay, I had to throw my hat in the ring/shit storm/tornado that's hit the .NET world after Microsoft demoed Windows 8. At the eye of the storm is the remark made during the demo implying HTML5 and Javascript tooling would be made available to developers to develop for Windows 8.