The Lazy Blogger

Quickbytes: How to connect to MongoDB in a VM, from OSX (bindIP)


By Sumit

I like to keep my base system clean of databases and web-servers etc. So when I wanted to play around with MongoDB on my laptop instead of cluttering it up, I setup a little Virtual Box VM running Debian 8.5 and got MongoDB 3.2 on it in a jiffy using the official docs.

I then installed my favourite MongoDB client Robomongo and was all set to connect to the DB in the VM itself.

But when I installed Robomongo on OSX it just wouldn't connect to the VM. I assumed its getting blocked by default OS settings on Debian. So I updated the IP Tables as follows

sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --destination-port 27017 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

This enables incoming connections to port 27017, MongoDB default port.

sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -s -p tcp --source-port 27017 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

This enabled outgoing connections.

Replace [] with IP address of you machine/laptop on which the VM is hosted.

I assumed this would be enough but nope. Robomongo on OSX kept refusing to connect with the error "Network is not reachable". After running up lots of wrong trees I finally found out that MongoDB forces local IP binding by default as a security measure. This setting is in /etc/mongod.conf


port: 27017


I changed the bindIp to [,]. Final settings were:


port: 27017

bindIp: [,]

Save the conf, restart mongodb service and Bazinga!

Quick vote of thanks to the following articles:

Security Note: Setting bindIP to is the worst move from a security point of view. Do not do it!